Does this sound like you?

You were once an energetic and confident person but now you are just exhausted. You are a shadow of your former self, running on coffee or energy drinks and white knuckling it through your days just trying to survive.

If you can relate, you are not alone.

Fatigue is a common symptom among women, but we tend to explain it away and just accept that feeling exhausted is just a normal part of life.

The good news is, it is possible to take back control and get your life back into high gear!



Learn my exact 3 Part Formula that so many have followed to instantly start improving your fatigue and build a healthy and energetic body.

I will teach you how to: 

1. Remove

2. Repair

3. Replenish


A new approach to optimizing your nutrients to support your health so that you can feel and function your best.

You will learn:

The connection between stress and blood sugar

How you can start to eat in a way that supports your overall health and increase your energy rather than take away from it.

Plus a whole lot more…

Hi! I'm Tiffany

Today, I help women regain their energy and zest for life, but it wasn’t always like that.

At a routine physical in 2007, a lump was identified on my thyroid gland that warranted further testing. This lump turned out to be cancer AND it had spread to several lymph nodes in my neck. I was told that once I had surgery and started my meds, I’d feel normal again.

I struggled with the aftereffects of living with thyroid cancer in the hopes that my surgery, treatment and meds would make me feel better.

I kept explaining it away but after 3 years of struggling with brain fog, anxiety, depression, irritability, headaches, and just overall exhaustion, I decided I was tired of feeling sick and tired.

I searched for a different way to do nutrition than I ever had before and that was the beginning of my transformation story and right now can be the start of your transformation story too.

The Fatigue Fix Formula is an 8 Week program that will help you take back control so that feeling energetic and excited about life are the norm and not the exception.

"After going through Tiffany‘s program, I was impressed with the education and knowledge that she provided. I Had great results. Would definitely do it again."

Shireen G.

Join Today


One Time Payment

Complete 8 Week Course
3 Part Step-by-Step Plan
Nutrition Education
Work At Your Own Pace 
Instant Access to All Modules

Invest With Confidence Guarantee:

If after you completed the first 14 days of your program and have submitted ALL the required completed detailed journal entries within the entire Reset Workbook and you still aren’t happy with the program, you will then receive a full refund. Your completed Reset Workbook must be returned as a pdf to Refunds will be made within 30 days of receipt of completed Reset Workbook.

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Copyright 2023 Tiffany Flaten Health, LLC

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