Hi!  I'm Tiffany

I’m the owner of Rock Bottom Wellness and I am a Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) and Licensed in the state of Minnesota. My company is located northwest of the Twin Cities. I started my company with the purpose of helping people learn about nutrition and how it is often directly related to your health or your not-so-good health. I’m not talking about the nutrition most of us have learned as we’ve grown up and what is so universally accepted today. At Rock Bottom Wellness we practice functional nutrition which deals with the way food affects you at the cellular level and how the nutrients from food affects your well-being.


Fatigue Fix Formula

A step-by-step method for exhausted women who want to live a full, vibrant and energetic life.

Revitalize & Energize

A Holistic Approach to Overcoming Fatigue through Functional Eating

7 Day Meal Plan

Feed your body well, listen to it, and you will benefit in the long run. In this meal plan, you’ll get 7 breakfasts, lunches, dinners & snacks that help you do just that.

Health Reset Membership

Do you need a health reset? 

Get ready to regain your vitality and feel like yourself again!

My Health Reset Program will take you through the core symptoms that needs to be addressed when you are looking to optimize your health. You will learn the importance of self care strategies, overcome emotional eating, and take a deep dive into what you need to do for YOUR body to regain your vitality and feel like yourself again.

"Thanks to Tiffany I know now that I am on the right path to heal my thyroid and to feel better."

Jen Cruz, Client

How Can I Help YOU?

I’d like to invite you to schedule a free call today!
During this call, we’ll discuss your needs and health goals, and how we can potentially work together.

When you work directly with me you get 1:1 nutrition services all based on your health concerns and goals. You’ll receive targeted recommendations and support that best suits YOUR needs. Schedule a Free Consultation Today.

Connect With Me Online

Copyright 2023 Tiffany Flaten Health, LLC

Schedule a Free Call


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